Grillin’ N Chillin’
We had a great time during the entire process of producing our michael black | BLACK SUN Grill Promo. From conceptualizing to the manufacturing of the grill stones to recipe development to cooking to styling to shooting to editing to designing and finally shipping the project was fun and rewarding.

However, this work wasn’t actualized because of the efforts of one. There are several people including my fantastic crew, vendors, and partners who were incredibly supportive and helpful along the way. They too deserve to share credit for this piece.
• the BLACK SUN crew’s [Denise, Jeff, Mike, Elara and Sammy (not to mention our 3rd party quality assurance food tester–KOZ)] spot on attention, razor focus, and no quit attitude
• Jamey’s amazing and stealth wordsmith ninja-ing
• Jeff’s keen eyes and insightful opinions
• Prakash’s sense of humor and helpful edit sessions
• our soapstone fabricator for their attention to detail and willingness to take on this ridiculous order
• Debbie’s lightning speed at Nikon for beautiful loaner lenses
• Wegman’s staff for their tireless service and special orders
• Keith, Suzanne and Kristy enthusiasm and involvement at Agency Access

We sent out a limited number of our custom soapstone grills stones. If you are interested in how to cook on, clean, or get more information about soapstone grills, then please shoot us an email.
see more images here: grill promo portfolio