Firing Up The Grill

Even though I grill year-round, this past weekend felt like the inaugural grill weekend. With a break after nearly 6 straight weeks of rain, the sun appeared and Mother’s Day turned out to be a beauty. With that came a change in dinner plans to dueling paellas: seafood and chicken/fish/chorizo. Not to mention a new twist on an old favorite, but will hold off on that for another post. You’ll have to write me for the paella recipe or wait until I finally kick out a cookbook of my own. This salad is “Ina/Anne” inspired and is very simple: spinach, peas, toasted pine nuts, and pesto [you have to make it fresh].

One thing I will mention is that I use short-grain brown rice in my paellas. This makes most traditionalists cringe until they try it. Then there is no turning back.