Window Treatment for Boulud’s DBGB

Just a bit ago, I got a call from prestigious restaurateur Daniel Boulud’s office inquiring about one of my jazz images [check out my gallery section and look for the jazz portfolio] for use canvassing the front of his new-to-open bistro “DBGB Kitchen & Bar” which has several pre-opening on-line comments (review 1, review 2, review 3 for starters – give it time).
I loved the concept and was on board asap with the sketches they sent. To speed up the process I received the schematics of the building at 299 Bowery St., NYC so I could prepare the final design and create individual panels for each of the 18 windows covering a 9′ tall by 45 ‘ long storefront.
Now it’s hurry and wait until the interior build-out is complete and they start serving their 5-star cuisine Boulud Bistro style.
1st: I looked closely at their sketch so I could deliver exactly what they were looking for. They shot this image from a camera phone and dropped in a low-res file of one of my images into the window. This is what they sent me to demonstrate what they were looking to accomplish.

2nd: I responded with how I understood by using their camera phone street view image and dropped my image that they liked with a twist of my own. Plus I updated the text treatment. Lastly, I blocked off in red where the window framing is.

3rd: I created a template to the exact size using the precise field measurements from all windows. Below is the template. Why the letters-numbers? This is to assist in printing each panel knowing where to place them once at the actual site.

4th: I dropped in the high-resolution image into my template of the windows and worked on composition and the copy for the best fit. The result created a very large file just in case you are curious.

That’s right. In short, the charge was to generate a pleasing print 9’x45′ that you could walk up to and say… cool – nice print, but mostly grab the attention of any passer-byer be them walking, running or in a moving vehicle and lure them to the soon-to-open-hip -bistro with food 2nd to none.
5th Here’s the final installed window treatment with 2 street views after installation. I kept this image as simple as possible to show accuracy from street view. Plus I thought it would be more interesting to get a perspective very close to the original that they sent me. Notice though how the newspaper box in the foreground is missing from my shot, but in theirs.

6th: Here’s a quick little video from the street view. I have no doubt this will be a great new restaurant in the Bowery knowing the integrity and history of Boulud.